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“Oh, I’m so cold, can I rest my head on your shoulder?” said the woman sitting next to me. I nodded and leaned in to her in order to make a more comfortable perch for this beautiful girl sitting next to me. I was taken aback as she looked up at me with stunning brown eyes and her silky dark hair falling loosely at her shoulders. Her accent got me immediately, she was confident but sexy, and how could I say no to that voice? Her Spanish--so sultry. She asked but knew she never needed an answer, cuddling up to me before I’d even replied. She grabbed my arm and wrapped it around her body, nuzzling in closer to rest her head on my chest.

“I’ve got a blanket in my bag if you want—you could use it,” I said to her nervously, trying not to come across as a total novice.

“Get it, we can fit both of us in there,” she said matter-of-factly pushing me playfully toward my bag. She was gently aggressive in her actions but I loved every minute. She was definitely into me and I was really feeling her. I wrapped my blanket around her and slid in. Damn this armrest between us. Feeling her warmth against me gave me the fluttering of butterflies in my stomach but felt natural. I could get used to this. In the two short days we spent together I fell in love with this amazing girl. She hung off me as if we were together already. One of those short summer loves. We spent our days talking and our nights cuddled up together, her resting one hand on my lap, dangerously close to any area that might get a girl extra excited and it didn’t help she kept the other hand resting on my chest, right between my breasts.

She had this way about her that made everything around you melt, like it didn’t matter we’d been on the bus for days and we were both dying for a bed to sleep in. I’m not sure if it was the delirium of the long ride or the lack of decent sleep but when we hit Springfield, she asked me to stay. I seriously considered this offer, things could have been so different for me, and probably her. She seemed crushed when I told her I had people waiting for me back in Maine. She took my bag and began rummaging through it, as if we’d known each other forever, finding a pen she grabbed my hand and wrote her number and address on it. “Come see me,” she said, “I really like you.” I teared up, thinking of not being able to see her again. She kissed me, “Bye, you,” she said grabbing her backpack and walking reluctantly off the bus.